On our first weekend we cleared everything away from the front of the house. We can now see the sand! On day two we moved stuff from the side entrance. All that junk on right of photo is waiting to be bulldozed. Next was clearing out the patio. Believe it or not, this is a huge improvement. We are keeping this furniture for now, all of which we found on the property. There are probably 12 dead refrigerators in various spots. Ted jokes we can do a Desert Stonehenge with them.
The House is finally empty. We ripped out the carpet and set up camp. No water, but hey, who needs it?
This is the farm house. There is also a cottage (currently exploded), and a barn. And an oasis and a sand dune. And a whole lot of trash.
July 2024
AuthorsAnna does most of the writing. Ted does most of the photos. But sometimes we switch. We are repairing a distressed property in 29 Palms, California, and eventually hope to run an artist residency there. |